By Hanna Blankenship


We’ve all seen it, the relentless pressure for social media marketers to “go viral.” It’s like a never-ending chase for the holy grail of engagement. You know, those days when you’re scrolling on Instagram, TikTok, or X (Twitter, for the nostalgic) and feel the invisible weight of needing to create the next big thing. But in the frenzy to chase viral fame, many marketers lose touch with something that consumers actually crave: realness.

Here’s the catch. People don’t always want polished, overly-produced content. They want human moments, things they can relate to, like the awkward pauses, the unfiltered laughs, and the occasional coffee spill on your favorite shirt. However, when the pressure mounts to make an instant impact, social media marketers often abandon authenticity, turning to clickbait, overly stylized visuals, and trends that are hot for about 48 hours before they fizzle out.

But guess what? In trying so hard to be viral, you might end up losing the very audience you built in the first place.


Emma Chamberlain: A Case Study in Authenticity vs. Fame

This brings me to a reel I recently saw that really got me thinking about this viral vs. authentic dilemma. It was about none other than Emma Chamberlain. If you’ve been on the internet at any point in the last few years, you’ve likely come across her. Emma skyrocketed to YouTube fame with her relatable, often quirky, raw vlogs where she showed snippets of her everyday life (grabbing coffee, thrifting, and in general just being herself).

Emma’s magic formula? Authenticity. She wasn’t pretending to live a fancy, perfect influencer life. She connected with millions because she was just like us (real, unpolished, and sometimes a little awkward). 

But as Emma’s career soared, so did her status. She’s gone from relatable coffee runs to attending the Met Gala in custom designer outfits. And while that’s a dream for many (who doesn’t want to hang out with A-listers?), it’s left some of her original audience feeling… well, disconnected. The humble, down-to-earth vibe that once drew people in has been replaced by luxury and exclusivity, leaving some of her fans wondering where the old Emma went.

In the rush to elevate her brand (which she’s done impressively), some of that authenticity slipped away. And isn’t that the exact dilemma social media marketers face? Striving to grow, go viral, and achieve next-level recognition, but at what cost?


The Real Gold: Authenticity

Here’s the truth: The more we lean into real content, the more we build trust and loyalty. Consumers today are savvy, they know when they’re being sold to. They’ve seen enough influencer #ads to spot a lack of authenticity from a mile away. Sure, going viral might give you a spike in views, but creating relatable, real moments will give you a long-term audience that sticks around even when the trends have shifted.

So, the next time you feel the pressure to chase virality, take a step back. Ask yourself, “Is this real? Does this reflect the values and authenticity my audience is looking for?” Because, after all, consumers aren’t just looking for the next big viral hit. They’re looking for a connection, and that’s something no viral algorithm can guarantee.

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